Новости. 23.03.2016
«The Third International Congress on OCT Angiography in Rome, December 11 and 12 was a great success. We expected 750 and we had 1050 attendees from 45 countries. 180 speakers came from 23 Countries.
Reasons of success:
1. OCT Angiography clinical use is expanding very rapidly in all the world. OCTA make retinal angiography easier, faster, less expensive and safer than Fluorescein Angiography. and ophthalmologists want to know about it.
2. OCT Angiography imaging interpretation and acquisition are different from FA. Ophthalmologists need to learn OCTA imaging interpretation.
3. We had as speakers, the best retina specialists, physicists and engineers in the world who gave the latest news and information in OCTA field.
4. ALL INDUSTRIES were present, giving space to their engineers, technicians, and retina specialists to tell the next technological evolution.
5. Food and Drug Administration gave clearance to Optovue and Zeiss OCTA devices.»
Bruno Lumbroso